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Soybean Seeds

Soybean Seeds

Regular price $ 35.00
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This plant originates from China but comes from Japan. It is marketed in all countries of the world thanks to the large number of uses that this food has.

Soybeans are very nutritious edible legumes, since they are rich in protein, calcium, fiber, iron, magnesium, and other vitamins and minerals. In addition, they are quite versatile, since they can be consumed cooked, fermented, dehydrated, in addition to being used to prepare milk, flour, tofu and other things. Soybean cultivation is very important to many commercial farmers; However, you can also grow it in your own garden, as long as you have three to five months of suitable, warm weather.

Yellow soybeans are the legume that contains the most protein. It is also a very complete and balanced protein that can be compared to that of chicken. Soy does not contain gluten. Its carbohydrate content is very low and these are slow to be absorbed. The fiber content is very high, similar to that of green beans. The fat content is very high, in fact, it is the legume with the highest fat content. The mineral content is high and varied, being a great source of calcium (200mg/100g) that exceeds that of milk (120mg/100g) while containing very little sodium.

If there is an excess of nutrients or, on the contrary, it is too poor, soybean plants will not have adequate growth. On the other hand, if the soil has not received nutrients in recent years, it is important that we add a little fertilizer.

You should wait 2 years before planting soybeans again in the same place .

Soybean seeds require a certain nitrogen content, which is of great importance for them.

The soil for planting soybeans must be a mixture of lean soil (sand/clay) with organic matter and common substrate, it must be loose and have good drainage. The soybean plant requires the soil to have an appropriate balance of nutrients to grow properly. If there are too many or too few nutrients, the plants will not develop as they should.

If the soil has not been enriched recently, add fertilizer or compost to incorporate more nutrients into the seedbed before sowing.

The average temperature of both the soil and the environment must be a minimum of 15 degrees Celsius.


The indicated date to plant soybeans is between the months of September and January. This is a date that is linked to the climate of the environment where the crop is grown, as well as the season in which the rains occur.

Soybean is a plant that needs soil with the appropriate amount of nutrients for good development.

Place the seeds in the ground 2 centimeters deep or in a pot, planter or directly on the ground with a separation between seeds of about 7 centimeters from each other.

It can also be a seedbed to later transplant in a place that is near a window so that it gets indirect light until the plant is a month old.

When we have planted the seeds, we have to water the soil only so that it remains moist, since if we add too much water the seeds can crack or rot.

Germination: the seed takes between 15 and 20 days to germinate and have its first two leaves after sowing.

Cultivation: During the reproductive stages (flowering, formation and grain filling) soybeans are extremely sensitive to lack of water.

It is a warm climate plant and low night and winter temperatures can greatly affect the germination and growth process of this plant.
The use of stakes or guides to grow is recommended. You can use bars, sticks, even wire mesh, next to the plant stem so that it can use it as a support to grow.

Harvest: After three months you will see the pods and when they are dry or yellow it will be ready to collect the soybean harvest and enjoy the best production at home with your own hands.

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