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Black-Eyed Bean Seeds

Black-Eyed Bean Seeds

Regular price $ 35.00
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The bean (Phaseolos vulgaris) is a staple food for nutrition in Mexico and many other countries around the world. This legume is native to Mexico and has more than 10,000 registered varieties. Beans have been part of Mexican history for hundreds of years and are used as one of the main crops in the milpa. Also, beans have many benefits to our health. Learn how to grow this legume at home, its benefits and some recipes.


Beans are a summer crop, which we can start planting in March. The bean has two growth forms depending on its type of growth: bush and guide. The bush bean forms a bush that can measure between 30-40cm in height. While the guide bean develops stems that can reach a length of 80cm, they spread on the ground or preferably on a plant or mesh. The beans grow in green pods, containing between 4-6 seeds in each one. Bean seeds have an approximate half-moon shape, their size and color change according to their variety.

This crop can grow perfectly in full sun or a little shade in very hot places. They can be grown in containers that have a minimum depth of 30cm so that their roots develop better. Before sowing, we must prepare the container or growing bed. Beans can grow in different types of soil that have good drainage. With a fork or shovel, mix the soil and add a layer of compost, incorporating it into the first few centimeters of the soil.

The bean is a legume that is planted directly in the ground. (although there are some varieties that can be planted in pots) The distance between sowing is 15cm and the depth is three times the size of the seed. To ensure that our plants will germinate well, we can sow two seeds in each space. This technique is for close planting although you can also do an association of crops. The plants will germinate between 3 and 8 days depending on the temperature, it is important to maintain moisture in the soil.

plant nutrition
All plants need nutrients from the soil, which must always be available in order for them to develop properly. The three main nutrients that plants use are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Nitrogen is one of the most important for plant development. If this nutrient is scarce in the soil, plants will not develop.

Legumes are nitrogen fixers, producing their own nutrition and providing nitrogen to the soil. To do this, they use “rhizobia” which are bacteria that form nodules on the roots of plants. These bacteria take nitrogen from the atmosphere to convert it into plant-available nitrogen. While the plant provides organic components obtained by photosynthesis.

On many occasions, legumes are associated with different plants that demand a lot of nitrogen to provide them with nutrients. For example, the association of corn-beans-pumpkin, chickpea-broccoli, grasses-

In highly degraded soils or with erosion problems, legumes play an important role in managing the recovery of organic matter. In organic agriculture, the use of legumes is vital for the sustainability of the soil.

The flower of the bean crop attracts many beneficial insects.

Harvest and storage

Beans can be harvested in the pod (green beans) or as seeds (beans). The pods are harvested when we see that the grains inside the pod measure approximately 1cm each, the size of the pod will depend on the variety of bean. To harvest the seeds, we must wait until the plant finishes its development and the pods have between 70-90% dry. If we have few plants, we can harvest from pod to pod. If we have many plants, we can harvest the complete plants when they are 50% dry; Cut the plant from the base of the stem and put it in a paper bag or sack. Hang the plants upside down in a cool, dry place to finish drying.

Once the pods are completely dry, it is very easy to separate the seeds from the pods. In a bucket place all the dry pods and crush them with something heavy, the goal is to break the pods so that the seeds come out and go to the bottom of the container. Then remove the dried pods and plant remains. We can store our seeds in a glass jar to avoid pests and diseases and store them in a cool, dry place. Beans can be stored for many months, in good conditions up to 7 months.

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