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Immortelle Seeds

Immortelle Seeds

Regular price $ 35.00
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The flower called "immortelle" commonly refers to several species of plants that have the ability to retain their shape and color even after drying. These flowers are prized for their durability and are used in a variety of floral arrangements, decorations and crafts. Here are some main characteristics and common uses of immortelle flowers:

Main features:

  1. Durability: The most distinctive feature of immortelle flowers is their ability to retain their shape and color even after drying. This makes them ideal for long-lasting floral arrangements.
  2. Variety of species: The term "immortelle" applies to various species of plants, including several of the genus Helichrysum, Gnaphalium, and others. Each species may have specific characteristics, but they share the ability to maintain their appearance after drying.
  3. Varied Colors: Immortelle flowers come in a wide range of colors, from bright hues to softer tones. This makes them versatile for use in different arrangements and decorations.
  4. Shapes and sizes: The shape and size of immortelle flowers vary depending on the species. Some have small, compact flower heads, while others may have a more open appearance.
  5. Growth in different regions: Evergreen plants can grow in various regions and climates, depending on the species. Some are native to warm areas, while others are found in cooler regions.


Immortelle planting:

  1. Choice of location: The immortelle prefers a sunny location with well-drained soil. Make sure the area has good air circulation.
  2. Soil preparation: The soil should be sandy and well-drained to prevent roots from rotting. If the soil is heavy, you can add sand or organic matter to improve the texture.
  3. Sowing seeds: If you decide to sow from seed, sow the seeds directly into the soil in spring or fall, depending on your climate. Lightly press the seeds into the surface of the soil and cover it with a thin layer of soil.
  4. Watering: Keep the soil evenly moist until the seedlings are established. Once the plants are more developed, you can reduce watering, since the immortelle is drought resistant.

Care of Immortelles:

  1. Fertilization: They do not usually require much fertilization. You can add a balanced fertilizer once a year in spring.
  2. Pinching: Pinch the tips of young shoots to encourage bushier, more compact growth.
  3. Pruning: The immortelle responds well to light pruning. Remove spent flowers to encourage continued flower production.
  4. Winter protection: Some varieties of immortelle may need additional protection in winter, especially if you live in an area with heavy frosts. Mulch around plants can help protect roots.
  5. Pest and disease control: Although they are generally resistant to pests and diseases, it is good to check periodically to make sure there are no problems. Control and treat any pests or diseases as necessary.


 Immortelle flowers usually appear in spring and summer, and depending on the variety, they can have colors such as yellow, white, pink or purple. The plant is known for retaining its shape and color even after drying, so the flowers can be used in dried arrangements.

Remember that specific needs may vary depending on the exact variety of immortelle you are growing, so it is always helpful to consult the specific information for the variety you have.


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