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Sun Sweet Watermelon Seeds

Sun Sweet Watermelon Seeds

Regular price $ 35.00
Regular price Sale price $ 35.00
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The Sun Sweet watermelon is a variety of Large FRUITS, Between 9 and 12 kg. The pulp is bright red and has a sweet, juicy flavor.

Watermelon is considered to be native to tropical African countries and its cultivation dates back centuries to the banks of the Nile, from where it spread to numerous regions bathed by the Mediterranean Sea. European settlers were the ones who brought it to America, where its cultivation spread throughout the continent.

 Watermelon is a magnificent diuretic, its high alkalizing power favors the elimination of acids that are harmful to the body.

It is made up mainly of water (93%), The pink color of its flesh is due to the presence of the carotenoid lycopene, an element that represents 30% of the total carotenoids in the human body.


Annual, herbaceous plant, with a creeping or climbing habit, with thin stems, covered with hairs, of variable length (5 or 6 meters), branched with tendrils, the leaves are petiolate, with a split blade.

Planting time: Autumn

Planting distance: 2 x 1 m.

Sowing mode: Direct

Germination 5 – 6 weeks

  • Start of issuance of guides 18 - 23 days

  • Start of flowering 25 - 28 days

  • Full flower 35 - 40 days

  • Start of harvest 71 – 90 days

  • Harvest term 92 – 100

It is the most popular variety due to the quality of its fruits. Large in size, sweet flavor and good shelf life.

Maturity: Intermediate / 90 days

Weight: 9 to 12 kg

Shape: Long semi-oval 48x18 cm

Pulp: deep red color

Shell: bright green.

Planting distance: 2m x 1m

Light green color with dark green streaks

Small, dark brown, variegated seeds


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