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Passion Fruit Seeds

Passion Fruit Seeds

Regular price $ 35.00
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Passion fruit, also known as passion fruit, is the fruit of the climbing plant Passiflora edulis. It is native to South America, specifically Brazil, but is now grown in various parts of the world with tropical and subtropical climates.

The passion fruit is characterized by being a climbing plant that can reach 9 meters in height , but only when the growing conditions are suitable. Its life cycle does not exceed a decade. It has a rigid and woody stem; and dark green, large, perennial and smooth leaves.

When to plant passion fruit?

The passion fruit plant prefers a tropical climate, which is why it does not tolerate frost or cold winds. Ideally, it should grow in areas whose average temperature is 25 °C. When it comes to how to plant passion fruit, it is important to know that its growth should not occur during the winter.


The cultivation of passion fruit requires a lot of sunlight to bloom properly, with around 12 hours of sunlight per day being necessary.


If you live in a region affected by constant heavy rains, its cultivation is not the most suitable. This is because there will not be adequate pollination of the flowers. Furthermore, this climate promotes the appearance of pests and diseases, something that becomes difficult to combat under these conditions. Those regions that are subject to drought are not the most suitable either.


The temperature should not exceed 32º C because it makes the fruiting of the plants unfeasible.

Land to be used for the passion fruit plant

The soil to be used in growing passion fruit must be deep and well-drained. When it comes to how to plant passion fruit, you should know that this plant requires at least 1 meter of depth to be able to develop. The soil should be worked with abundant manure, while the pH should be between 5.5 and 7.

Avoid clay soils, as they prevent proper drainage; producing excess moisture in the roots, subsequently rotting and/or the appearance of fungal diseases.

Irrigation of passion fruit cultivation

The soil must be watered constantly, especially when the plant is growing in dry environmental conditions, something that is even more important during the growing season. This is because it is a tropical plant that requires constant and abundant watering.

Sowing and germination

Place 3 to 4 passion fruit seeds in individual containers, such as plastic or laminated bags. After 20 days, the seed will germinate. At this time, you should remove the weakest plants and keep only the most vigorous seedling in the container .


The transplant to the final location is carried out when 60 to 80 days have passed since sowing, specifically when the plant has a height of 20 to 25 cm.

When it comes to how to plant passion fruit, the ideal spacing is 4x3 meters. The holes to be used for transplanting must have a depth of 30 centimeters. Prior to transplanting, 20 days before, it may be necessary to fill each hole with some organic fertilizer.


The most used training system in the cultivation of this plant is the trellis. This is because it allows for better pruning and fruit harvesting, and the risk of diseases is reduced.

Care of the passion fruit crop

Something important to keep in mind about caring for passionflower is the removal of invasive plants. The plant must also be prevented from coming into contact with the soil.


Training pruning is done when the plant is hanging from the wire. An activity that takes place once a week. It consists of cutting the axillary buds in order to prevent the plant from moving laterally. If you observe the growth of new branches you should cut them with the help of disinfected scissors.


Passion fruit is a plant that must be cross-pollinated (by pollinating insects) .


The flowers are hermaphrodite (perfect), with a well-developed androgynophore. They are born solitary in the axils, supported by 3 large green bracts that resemble leaves. The flowers consist of 3 greenish-white sepals, 5 white petals and a crown formed by a fan of filaments that radiate outward, the base of which is purple; These filaments have the function of attracting pollinating insects.


During flowering and fruiting, 100 grams of ammonium sulfate, 250 grams of superphosphate and 200 grams of potassium chloride should be applied per plant, although keep in mind that this amount may change according to the needs of the soil.

Passion fruit harvest

The harvest is done when slightly shaking the branches makes the ripe fruits fall off easily.

Instructions inside the packaging

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