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Blackberry Seeds

Blackberry Seeds

Regular price $ 35.00
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Hierbamora (Solanum nigrum): Main Characteristics

Nightshade, also known as Solanum nigrum, is a herbaceous plant belonging to the genus Solanum. Below are its main features:

Main Characteristics: Blackberry is an annual plant that can grow up to 1 meter in height. Its leaves are oval in shape, toothed and dark green. It produces small white or yellow flowers, followed by spherical black or purple fruits, which are edible.

Uses: Blackberry is used in traditional medicine in some places as a medicinal plant. Its fruits are edible and can be consumed raw or cooked, although they should be used with caution, as some varieties can be toxic. In addition, its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties have been investigated.

Historical Background: Blackberry has been used in traditional medicine in various cultures throughout history. However, its use and recognition vary by region.

Planting Time to Harvest: Planting time for nightshade depends on local weather conditions, but is generally planted in spring or early summer. Harvesting takes place approximately 60 to 90 days after sowing.

Soil: Blackberry prefers well-drained soils rich in organic matter. It adapts to a variety of soil types, but the optimal pH is around 6.5.

Climate and Temperature: Blackberry grows best in temperate to warm climates. It can tolerate cold temperatures, but frost can damage the plant. The optimal temperature for its growth is in the range of 20-25°C.

Most Recommended Sowing Method: Blackberry can be sown directly in the ground or in pots. It is recommended to sow the seeds at a depth of 0.5-1 cm.

Germination: Blackberry seeds usually germinate in about 2-3 weeks at a temperature of around 20-25°C. Keeping the substrate moist but not waterlogged favors germination.

Cultivation: Keep blackberry plants well spaced to allow good development. Weeds that compete for resources must be eliminated. The plant requires adequate sun exposure for healthy growth.

Irrigation: Blackberry requires regular but not excessive watering. The substrate must be kept moist, but avoiding waterlogging.

Harvest: Blackberry fruits can be harvested when they are ripe, generally when they have turned black or purple. They can be collected by hand or by pruning entire branches. The fruits are used fresh or can be dried for preservation.

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