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Wild Flower Seeds Mix

Wild Flower Seeds Mix

Regular price $ 45.00
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Wild Flowers Mix

Wildflowers become of special interest to flower growers. This is because wildflowers become beautiful, fragrant and colorful. Best of all, most wildflowers can be grown in most gardens and almost anywhere else.

Their perennial wildflower seed mix is ​​made up of 18 species of vibrant flowers that will provide many colors to enjoy for years. Plants in this mixture will grow from 75 cm to 1 m tall. year after year you will have colorful flowers in your garden.

Before you start planting your garden full of wildflowers, take a look at these helpful growing tips!

How much seed to sow?

Before planting your wildflower seeds, familiarize yourself with your planting area and determine how many seeds would cover it at the rate of (2 gr x 1 m2)

More seeds per m2 does not mean more flowers. In fact, more seeds can pile up at your planting site, leading to plants without flowers.


By planting wildflower seeds, did you know you can contribute to the health and beauty of the environment? Wildflowers will not only provide a display of lush and beautiful flowers. It will also become a source of food and shelter for friendly pollinators such as bees, hummingbirds and butterflies. Wildflowers are low maintenance and require minimal watering, making them a great choice for those looking to create a sustainable garden.

This envelope contains 18 varieties of the 25 presented below

Expert Tip:

Some varieties in this package will germinate faster with cold stratification. Stratifying seeds is like waking them up with a cold shower so they are ready to sprout. , but expect some of the seeds to germinate after the first cold season.

Soil preparation

Proper site preparation is important for the prompt germination of seeds and healthy growth of seedlings. The best results will be obtained by planting in clear ground. Remove existing vegetation such as weeds, debris or grass to avoid competition from other plants. This can be done by pulling or under-tilling. Dig up the soil and then tamp it down with a rake to create a level seedbed. Do not incorporate any fertilizer or manure, as it encourages grass growth, which displaces wildflowers.


In areas with colder climates, plant your plants in spring, early summer, or late fall.

Consider at least 10 to 12 weeks of growing time before the plants slow down during the winter.

In areas with warmer climates, plant during the coldest months of the year, from fall to spring, for best results. Fall plantings made before rainy periods can result in an early flower display the following spring.

For both areas, the key point is that when sowing seeds, the soil temperature should be at least 13°C.

Important note:
To spread the seeds more evenly, mix them well with Hortyjardín MR improved Black Earth with the minimum possible humidity at a rate of 10 parts of Earth to 1 part of seed. Spread your wildflower seeds by hand, scattering them loosely. to a maximum depth of ½ cm.

After scattering the seeds, it is imperative to pack them into the soil to encourage faster germination. Simply by gently squeezing the seeds with your hand.


Water the beds thoroughly, but not to the point of waterlogging with a spray bottle. Keep the soil constantly moist but not too wet until germination and seedlings have grown to 10 to 15 cm tall.

Flowering time

Flower bloom time may vary depending on plant species and location. Generally, perennial wildflowers will bloom during a specific time of year, which may differ from year to year due to weather and environmental factors. Some perennial wildflowers typically bloom in spring, while others typically bloom in summer . Some species may also have a second flowering period later in the season or may continue to bloom throughout the summer.

Meanwhile, the bloom period for annual wildflowers can vary depending on the species, as well as the climate and growing conditions in your area. Some varieties of annual wildflowers may begin blooming in late winter or early spring.


When seedlings are growing and appear overcrowded, thin them out by removing weaker plants. Keep the area free of weeds and water plants regularly during dry periods.

When your wild plants bloom, expect an explosion of wildflowers in different colors, shapes and sizes. We suggest preparing it for passersby who want to take photographs

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