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Poet's Carnation Seeds

Poet's Carnation Seeds

Regular price $ 35.00
Regular price Sale price $ 35.00
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It is a very resistant outdoor plant and can thrive as long as the right conditions are present . Although it may sound complicated, you don't have to worry: to grow this type of carnation in your garden you don't need to be a gardening expert. You just have to take note of the following care so that your plant grows healthy and free of pests:

·         Irrigation: excess water is the biggest enemy of these plants. Make sure the substrate is compact and has good drainage. The soil should be kept moist, but without forming puddles. In general, we recommend watering two or three times a week, although rain may be enough.

·         Temperature: Dianthus can resist light frosts and withstands low temperatures , up to 15 ºC. If you live in a very cold area, don't forget to protect the plants or place them indoors during the winter. During the summer, they will handle the heat well.

·         Lighting : These plants need a lot of light to flower. Place them in a place with good sun exposure. Four or five hours of direct sun is enough. If you live in an area with very warm temperatures, you can plant or place the pots in semi-shade.

·         Fertilizer : the fertilizer should contain compost with lime , since these plants like neutral/limestone soils. It is advisable to prepare the fertilizer well before planting and then fertilizing at the beginning of each season would be sufficient.


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