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Barley Seeds

Barley Seeds

Regular price $ 35.00
Regular price Sale price $ 35.00
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Main Features

Barley (Hordeum vulgare) is a cereal of great economic and nutritional importance. Below are its main features:

  • Plant: Annual herbaceous.
  • Height: Varies between 30 and 120 cm.
  • Blade: Linear, with surrounding sheath.
  • Flower: Inflorescence in spikes.
  • Grain: Small and oval.

Historical background

Barley has been cultivated since ancient times. Its origins can be traced back to regions of Western Asia and the Near East. It was one of the first crops domesticated by human civilizations.

Sowing Time to Harvest

  • Sowing: Early fall to early spring.
  • Harvest: Between spring and summer, approximately 90 to 120 days after sowing.


  • Type: Prefers loam and clay soils.
  • Texture: Well drained.
  • pH: Between 6.0 and 7.5.

Climate and Temperature

  • Climate: Temperate to cold.
  • Temperature: Optimal between 15°C and 20°C.

Most Recommended Sowing Method

  • Direct Sowing: Commonly used.
  • Sowing Depth: 2 to 5 cm.

Germination and Cultivation

  • Germination: Approximately 7 to 14 days.
  • Cultivation: Requires regular care, weed control and balanced fertilization.


  • Needs: Moderate, avoiding flooding.
  • Frequency: Regular, especially during dry periods.


  • Ideal Time: When the spikes are ripe and the grains are hard.
  • Method: Harvesting machines, ensuring adequate moisture content.

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