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Ornamental Cabbage Seeds

Ornamental Cabbage Seeds

Regular price $ 35.00
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Garden cabbage, also called ornamental cabbage, has its origin in the Mediterranean region and is an annual plant although it also has some perennial varieties. It can reach a height of 25-30 centimeters and its leaves are beautiful, very large and curly with red, yellow, white and pink nuances. They are very decorative and depending on the variety they can bloom at different times of the year.

The decorative aspect of this plant is fantastic, and its leaves stand out especially, which are very striking and colorful. The color of its leaves is more intense when there is frost, and it is a plant that perfectly resists the low temperatures of winter, both outdoors and indoors.

Garden cabbage can be grown in the ground and in pots . It is an easy-to-grow plant that has few demands, like its cousins, edible cabbages. It needs, just like them, a little cold in winter to look healthy. The soil must be rich in organic matter and well drained, although we must always keep it with a certain degree of humidity . Although it is a perennial plant, it is advisable to renew it every year or every two at most as it quickly loses its beauty.

It can be grown by seeds easily in direct soil, without using a seed bed. It tolerates cold and frost very well. It is not very suitable for growing indoors precisely because of the need for cold that all cabbages have. In addition, it needs many hours of direct sun. The best time for sowing in the Northern Hemisphere is summer, at about 20ºC the seeds will germinate in 4-6 days.

Garden cabbage, also called ornamental cabbage, has its origin in the Mediterranean region and is an annual plant although it also has some perennial varieties. It can reach a height of 25-30 centimeters and its leaves are beautiful, very large and curly with red, yellow, white and pink nuances. They are very decorative and depending on the variety they can bloom at different times of the year.

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