La asombrosa comunicación entre plantas: un mundo de señales y sonidos vegetales

The amazing communication between plants: a world of plant signals and sounds

Plants and their amazing communication capacity

In the vast natural world, we often marvel at the complexity of the living creatures around us, from majestic mammals to tiny microscopic organisms. However, there is a group of beings that, despite their static and silent appearance, have an equally fascinating capacity for communication: plants. Yes, those seemingly still entities have a surprisingly complex communication network that helps them survive and adapt to their environment in ways that might amaze you.

The plant language

Plants have their own language, even if it does not consist of spoken or written words. Instead, they communicate through a variety of biochemical compounds. When a plant is attacked by a pest, for example, it releases a series of chemicals that act as alarm signals to neighboring plants, urging them to prepare and act accordingly. This process, known as allelopathy , is the ability of some plants to produce compounds that affect the growth of other species, an astonishing phenomenon that reveals the complexity of plant interactions.

Sounds in the plant kingdom

In addition to chemical compounds, it has been discovered that plants emit sounds that allow them to communicate. Through advanced technologies, scientists have been able to capture these sounds, which are generated when plants are under stress, such as when they are cut or attacked by insects. Although these sounds are imperceptible to the human ear, they constitute an effective form of communication within the plant kingdom, revealing a hidden but crucial aspect of plant life.

The process by which plants make sounds is known as “ cavitation ” and consists of the formation and explosion of air bubbles within the xylem or tissue that transports water within them.

Reaction to danger and pests

When a plant detects imminent danger, it deploys a series of defensive responses to protect itself and its companions. For example, some plants can emit chemicals that attract natural predators of pests that attack them, thus establishing a natural balance and acting as a biological control system.

Additionally, plants can adjust their metabolism and nutrient production in response to signals they receive from the environment. For example, if they detect the presence of insects that feed on their leaves, they can increase the production of chemical compounds that repel them, thus deploying a form of active defense.


In short, plants are much more complex beings than we could have imagined. Their ability to communicate with each other and react to dangers and pests shows that, although they may seem static, plants have their own language that allows them to survive in a world full of challenges. The next time you find yourself walking through a garden or forest, take a moment to reflect on the amazing network of communication that underlies the apparent tranquility of the vegetation around you. In this green and silent world, plants are constantly exchanging information and caring for each other, in an invisible but vital dance for life on Earth.

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