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Sin los insectos polinizadores no habría vida en nuestro planeta - Hortyjardín

Importance of pollinators in the life of the planet

Pollinators are beings that feed on the nectar of flowers and during their visits they accidentally transport pollen from one flower to another, allowing the plants to produce fruit.

Wild bees and bumblebees, hummingbirds, bats, wasps, beetles, ants, others...

In this way they carry out cross-fertilization , they are responsible for the production of fruits in many plants and with this exchange they maintain genetic diversity in the species. It is estimated that there are about 200 vertebrates and 10 thousand insects. Butterflies and moths: 25,000 species.

Why are they important for human survival?

Pollinators are essential in our environment. The ecological service they provide is necessary for the reproduction of more than 80% of the world's flowering plants, including more than two-thirds of the world's crop species. In addition to this, pollinators are key species in most terrestrial ecosystems and in natural communities, more than 62% of plant species require the pollination service. Fruits and seeds derived from pollination by insects are an important part of the diet of approximately 25% of all birds and mammals. In Mexico, 88% of the 130 species of cultivated plants depend on pollinators for their production.

What happens to pollinators?
Recently the populations of some pollinators, especially insects, have decreased. They have suffered poisoning caused by the use of pesticides on crops, competition and displacement by introduced species, as well as deforestation and fragmentation of their habitats.

How can I help improve the ecosystem?
To help pollinators, plants and ourselves, you can create a favorable “Pollinator Garden” environment in parks, gardens and orchards. It is necessary to include the plants that pollinators require for their diet and others where they can reproduce. With an appropriate selection of the plants you plant, you can make an important contribution by improving the habitat to make it friendly to pollinators.

Below, we mention the main and best-known pollinating insects, along with their characteristics:
Bees . Bees, belonging to the Apoidea family, are insects that can be found practically around the world. Ants-Flower Flies – Butterflies -. Bumblebee – Wasps – Mosquitoes – Coleoptera. Broadly speaking, there are three types of pollination:

There are three types of pollination

  • Anemophilous when the pollen reaches the flowers transported by the wind.

  • Hydrophilic when transport is carried out by water.

  • Zoophilous when it is carried by an animal or insect.


petunias , poppies , daisies , carnations , geraniums, roses, calendula , sunflowers


Bees love herbs too!

Choose: Mint , Lavender , Rosemary , Basil , Thyme


Preferably choose plants from the region that bloom all year round and seasonally. Some of the flowers that hummingbirds prefer are myrtle, aretillo, muicle, shrimp, wild lemon balm and lavender. – Includes trees, shrubs, herbs, or vines.
Here are some of the suggested plants for a pollinator garden Agapando, Bird of Paradise, Bugambilia, Cempasúchil Lavender Noche Buena, Rue, Orégano, Panalillo, Siempreviva, Tronadora, Rocío. Also the mandarin, orange and lemon trees (when they are in flower

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