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Cómo hacer Composta en casa de una manera sencilla y efectiva - Hortyjardín

How to make Compost at home in a simple and effective way

How to make compost at home

What is compost?
Compost is very useful for soils since it improves their structure and fertility.


Compost is an organic fertilizer that is formed by the microbial degradation of materials arranged in layers and subjected to a decomposition process .

The microorganisms that carry out the decomposition or mineralization of materials occur naturally in the environment; The method to produce this type of fertilizer is economical and easy to implement .

Through the action of microorganisms, a material (organic matter) is produced that is very useful for agricultural soils since it improves their structure and fertility .

Importance of compost :

  • Improves plant health and growth.
  • Improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil.
  • It is an important source of nutrients for plants.
  • Increases the moisture retention capacity of the soil and the cation exchange capacity in it.
  • It is a food source for microorganisms.
  • Buffers pH changes in the soil.
  • Reduces sudden changes in temperature.
  • Plants can absorb more nitrogen as a result of the C/N ratio in the soil.
  • It achieves partial or almost complete decomposition of some agrotoxic residues.

How to produce compost at home?

1. First we will choose where we are going to accumulate the organic remains and if we are going to compost in composting containers or if we will do it in heap composting. It will be more convenient to do it in a container, since it allows you to close it.
2. Choose the location of the container, preferably in a sheltered and warm area that is close to both the garden and the kitchen, since we will usually transport remains from these areas to the composter.
3. Start by filling the container with a dry, woody layer and a few handfuls of manure to serve as ferments.
4. It is filled with a second layer of organic remains. Try alternating layers of dry materials with wet materials. Cut grass, crop residues, dry leaves and straw are also very useful.
5. Add a layer of old compost or manure that will act as yeast, as well as rock powders or previously moistened ashes.
6. When we have mixed more than half of the container, we will have to stir well and mix all the decomposing materials.
7. We will water it from time to time, especially if we notice that the compound is very dry, and we can mix the water, optionally, with a little manure slurry or nettle.
8. Continue filling the composter alternating layers, and we will continue mixing and aerating when needed.
9. After 4 or 5 months, the lower layers of the composter will be properly fermented and we can remove them to use the compost in the garden. It will have a dark color, pleasant smell and loose texture.

These are some of the elements you can use when making your compost:

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